Reclaimed Heart Pine Flooring Tabletop

We've just received photos from a customer's finished table, for the top of which we supplied some beautiful wood.

The wood itself is from our reclaimed old growth heart pine, sturdy as a rock. We happened to have some lovely pieces we did not need for a 3/4" tongue-in-groove flooring order. Rather than throw it out as unusable, our customers were able to repurpose it into a functional design.

It's surprising how well pieces intended for a floor can, by a simple metamorphosis, serve as furniture, or a surface off which you can eat. I believe the idea of having dinner at something normally swept, mopped, muddied, and stepped on, and cleaned again might appear strange on first consideration, but the fact that a floor can survive a century of foot-traffic yields an equally sturdy, as well as a slim table. So have a glance: does this seem to have been meant as a floor? 

We have plenty more pieces of excess flooring we'd love to see repurposed, so if you have an idea please contact us


